
Say hello to me.

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2 thoughts on “Contact

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  1. Hi Dominic,
    Inspiration sometimes comes from the most unexpected places.
    My name is Crystal, I’m a 31 year old Canadian. Mother to a fun little 2 year old music fanatic son…has tried playing guitar, violin, piano, harmonica, and can even get a decent sound from a trumpet.(as well as a two year old can play any of these instruments)
    Anyway, we were given a copy of the Wiggles Hot Potato live in Sydney video. So while he is enthralled by the songs and the colours, I have been admiring your musical talent. You have inspired me to pick up my trumpet and clarinet again. Music has kept me from trouble and been a source of relaxation and comfort before, its time to get that back.
    The past year I have been struggling with alcohol and drugs and anxiety and personal issues, as well I am awaiting some doctor’s results to hopefully rule out leukemia. I feel that now I have rediscovered playing music again, life will be much easier to manage. Also sharing this and teaching my son will be a very rewarding and joyful experience.
    So Dominic, long story short, thank you for doing what you do. Music is incredibly uplifting for our souls. I’m a fan, don’t ever stop!
    Thanks again,

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